Episode 3: Heart iQ Circle Work at New Eden


🌟 Episode 3: Heart IQ Circle Work at New Eden 🌟

One of the most impactful aspects of people's experience at New Eden, whether it is the regular staff and community here, or new guests, is the Sacred Circle Work we do on a regular basis.

Sacred circle work (or Heart IQ Work) is a tool for expanding and accelerating one's own internal consciousness and expression in the world.

Developed over the last 12 years by Christian, circle is a space that draws forth what is ready to be seen, felt, experienced and witnessed within oneself.

It's more than just a "mirror".

It's an amplification of what's taking place internally and a revelation for what's ready to come to to be either released, embodied or expressed in onself.

There's not much more that can be said really.

As with all things, you just gotta experience it for yourself.

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